Saturday, April 10, 2010

Loving Queensland


Today we are in Toowoomba, where we will be staying for a week. Benn has returned to Armidale to get some important jobs completed (like finishing a fence etc). Mum has come up to stay with us until his return, so we have a weeks accommodation in a house!! Rather amazing to have so much space! The first night here all the kids found sleeping in other rooms rather strange and came to visit during the night! Much better the second night!

Easter was lovely in Brisbane, we stayed at the Big 4 Caravan Park in Apsley northside and spent time with Lynne and Sarah (our sister in law and niece). During the week we had a great day at Southbank, also a whole day and Wet n Wild on the Gold Coast - the new tunnel that goes under Brisbane was very exciting to travel on and it only took us an hour to get to the coast from the northside! We also managed to catch up with James (Benn's brother), we had a lovely dinner together - camp style! The Hat display at the Art Gallery was a huge highlight with the kids getting to make their own hats out of the materials provided - all was free.

I am finding that I am really enjoying just driving and looking at the different towns, houses and landscapes - fabulous just to take time out and 'smell the roses'!